The annual International ICT (Information Communication Technology) Expo in Hong Kong is the place to be, if you wish to keep up with the latest technological gadgets, products, and software for your firm. Whether you’re a service-oriented business, or reseller, or both, you’ll be amazed at the wide range of products and services on offer. Sometimes even networking with like-minded business individuals will put a spark in your head for a new business enterprise.
iConnect Technologies participates in the annual International ICT Expo in Hong Kong each year. This is a major event that showcases the newest products and IT Solutions, communication, and new technologies to help SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) and IT managers to maximize efficiency and minimize costs. There are a wide range of exhibits at the Expo.
The ones that draw the most interest include smart device business apps for cloud and mobile, computer and peripheral supplies, enterprise solutions and IT outsourcing, home-grown innovations, smart phone, tablet, and smart device products, telecommunications industries, and the latest in networking and wireless technologies.
iConnect Technologies fills the niche of enterprise solutions and IT outsourcing, providing IT services for small or large businesses. This annual Expo will bring awareness to the business community about the wide range of business services we provide, both virtual, and on-site.
Join over 600 exhibitors and 31,000 visitors and learn more about technology. Last year there were many success stories. Clients had their business problems solved by exhibitors they met at the Expo. Exhibitors had the chance to effectively market their products and services, as well as networking with their neighboring business communities. Alliances were made, there were handshake deals, and even lifetime friends were made. Each day at the fair had much to offer with exhibitors, special demonstrations, and product exhibitions. There was a lot to see. People showed up in droves to see the hottest products entering the market. There were also plenty of seminars to attend, where you could take away valuable information on how to incorporate new technology into your business plan.
The Expo is free to all business professionals, and is not open to the general public. Be sure to pre-register in order to obtain a free spot. If you have any sort of technology-driven business, you’ll find it beneficial to participate by buying a table in next year’s ICT Expo, so you can show your products or services to the ICT world.
The next Exposition will be held on April 13th to 16th, 2015, at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Whether you’re exhibiting or visiting, please look for the iConnect Technologies booth to get information on how our IT solutions can benefit your company.